Rail Courses


Get on track!

We deliver professional training programmes for individuals working in the UK’s rail industry. This includes training and assessments for apprentices, rail operatives and managers. We understand our responsibilities in tackling the national skills shortage and actively work with stakeholders to build diverse, long-term talent pipelines.

Available Courses



This course is designed to give a basic understanding of track engineering principles including permanent construction, components, and methods of work. It also instruct candidates to adequately determine their roles and responsibilities when working on or near the rail.


This course is intended for candidates who wish to set up a safe system of work on Network Rail’s infrastructure and act as a Controller of Site Safety. It also covers PTS re-certification.


This course is designed for individuals who serve as a Site Safety Controller and require re-certification of their COSS competencies, to develop a secure work environment on the infrastructure of Network Rail.


PTS (Full Package)

Personal Track Safety (PTS) is a system of safer working practices. This course is designed to ensure the safety of railway workers who have to work on the lineside. At the end of the course trainees will be able to; demonstrate their ability to follow a safe system of work, demonstrate their ability to interpret correctly Rule Book, Track Safety Handbook and relevant local instructions when required to go on or near the rail.


This course is intended for candidates who wants to recertify or update their PTS certificate. At the end of the course trainees will be able to demonstrate their ability to interpret correctly all relevant (updated) instructions when required to go on or near the rail and demonstrate their ability to follow a safe system of work.

The PTS training course is Network Rail sentinel accredited.


The Lookout/Site warden course is designed to set up additional people in the coss’s safety system of work to undertake specific duties under the instruction of the COSS.